Storm Tracker Sign Up

Gaia Enterprises Inc. offers our distributors a new benefit that we piloted last year called Storm Tracker by GEI. This advanced notification system for winter weather related events offers distributors up to a 15-day advance notification of any winter related events hitting any stores within a region. This notification will allow distributors to have a list of potential retailers that will be impacted by a store. The distributors will be able to give them advance notice of impending stores to stock up on winter supplies.
In addition, distributors can keep track of how often a retailer is on the report, and offer valuable weather related data at the end of the year. The retailers on this list do not receive this data directly. The retailers will receive marketing towards their stores since they are on our list. All stores in a store path will have geo-targeted marketing sent to their zip code for increased sales. The store will automatically show up in the ads, as the store locator is already positioned to show active locations within 5 miles of their IP address.